Read Books Every Day,
Books for Everyone,
Books for Every Country

No matter how advanced technology is, and how our children live in a generation where Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR) advance rapidly day by day, the foundation of
children’s minds should be at the heart of this change.

It helps children take the initiative to embed strong roots, form firm nests, and help bear fresh leaves, beautiful flowers and fruitful fruits on a stem that stretches freely and energetically.

EVERY BOOKS believes quality books can take on that pivotal role.
Through books, children can gain a valuable familiarity of acquiring knowledge and inspiration, fun
communication, and experience creative thinking.

EVERY BOOKS wants to take the lead to share these precious books with all the children in the world.
Technology should make it efficient to access the books faster, not to take it away from children. This is because quality books are beneficial and healthy for the children.

We will fulfill our role as a messenger to spread South Korea’s excellent books worldwide and deliver exceptional books from around the world to Korean children.

We sincerely hope that these small efforts will help children grow into potential individuals desired in this globalized world.